Freshly baked Jewelry!

My very own Wonderland

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Alice in wonderland

The Queen of Hearts,
she made some tarts,
All on a summer day
The Knave of Hearts,
he stole those tarts,
And took them quite away!

Yes Alice was my favorite Disney Movie in my childhood.

The books are fantastic and i am planning on buying them both written by Lewis Caroll.
They dont have them anymore in the library...and i want to read them again and again lol

I really love the illustrations by tenniel those have something special i dont know what but they are so cute.

I love to collect stuff with cute prints and other Alice items.

Here are my last purchases I love them so much!

I love to buy gifts for other peoples but this time it was my turn after all that hard work...
This super cute Tea pot is from Lenny's Alice in Wonderland!

This is the cutest tea pot ever, perfect for a tea afternoon and delicious cupcakes and pie's with some of my good friends!

Mad tea party tea pot
Miniature tea set by disney

As for my shop there are a lot items that are inspired by alice in wonderland!
They will be available really soon.

Much Love

Pookie Tookie

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Featured Artist!

I found this wonderful artist on Etsy and i must say i am totally in love with her art!I purchased some cute stuff like mirrors ect and i am planning on buying more things from her!

Here a few images of her work.

Alice in Wonderland and a Bird Brained Game of Croquet

Banana Pants and Little Devil love their Mistress

Sweet Candy Apple Girl

Pink Punk and an Ice Cream Cocktail

Go visit her etsy shop for more wonderful art!

Much Love



Yeahhh Finally

I wanted to order those delicious cupcake from fat daddy bake shop for so long now but i have to say the shipping price is too high for me so i guess i will taste it one day when i am going to the states!
But i found a super sweet and cute Cupcake shop in the netherlands not far from belgium!

And i have to say those cupcakes taste sooo good!
No dairy no eggs its all natural and good for your healt!

These are my favorites!
Chocolate overdose

Very Cherry Chocolate

Chocolate banana twist

Oh my raspberry goodness

Snoopy loves Peanut

Dont they look yummy?
Much Love
Pookie Tookie

Monday, May 5, 2008


Hello Pookies

So finally all my orders are out this morning went to the post and shipped all the packages :D

I am now preparing for moving to a new home i cant wait!

I will keep work in my workshop ofcourse but i want to set up a little place there too for making my jewelry...

I am a little nervous, i really hope to get everything on time and i need lots of boxes this is soo crazy i have so many things lol i will trow away everything i dont use anymore...

My diet is not going very well...
With all the stress i want to eat more so starting today i am on a detox diet you can loose up to 10kg in 10 days yeayyy (really hope i can manage to not eat for 10 days!)

Ok thats it for now

Much love
Pookie Tookie

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Summer Mood

Birds Are singing the sun is shining little bumble bee's making honey!
I just love Spring and Summer!

And look at these delicious freshy fruity tartlets!
All handmade by me in the tinyest details!
Scented like real tartlets.

Fruit Pie Necklace!

All available in my etsy shop!

Pookie Tookie is Temporarily closed for big updates!

Much Love
Pookie Tookie