Freshly baked Jewelry!

My very own Wonderland

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall Cupcakes!

Hello Pumpkins

Fall cupcakes are now available in my shop!
I just love the fall and got inspired by this amazing season!

More Fall items are coming soon from Pumpkin Cheese cake, to pumpkin cookies and other delicious treats!

I am also working very hard on the sweet and gothic lolita collections!
These will be amazing and really different!

I ve got also a few surprise items that will be available after christmas!
But thats to early now lol

Halloween is coming and i made some new items that you will love that a fact!

Now go get your Fall cupcake charm now! They are Limited!
Thats the perfect gift for yourself or loved ones.

Much Love

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Important announcement!!
Please read this Blog post.

There will be lots of changes in my shop!

Lots of new goodies are coming, I am working on some amazing new designs and mostly on a huge gothic Lolita and sweet Lolita treats collection!

All the fall and Halloween designs are done and will be available in my shop really soon these days.

But there are many items in my shop that will be removed definitely!

Don’t get me wrong they sell like hell but I don’t like them anymore and I don’t enjoy making them anymore.

I want new things and the designs I am working on are more important to me!

But I still have here and there some goodies from those designs and these will be available in my etsy shop today on a really special price!

So if you would like one of these pieces please be sure to grab one because I wont make them anymore!

The following items will be removed from the shop


Strawberry cupcake- 1 available
Strawberry cane -3 available
Cookie crumble cupcake - 1 available
Celebration cupcake - 1 available

Sweet bakery:

All the fruit tartlets ( none available)
Peanut butter sandwich 5 available
Cherry cake - 1 available
Muffin chocolate chip - 1 available
Crepe a la crème - none available
Honey waffle -1 available

All the other designs will still be available but I will change some things on the designs to make them better and more realistic.

There is a huge necklace collection, bracelets and earrings coming so be prepared because everything looks so cute and elegant!

As I said for the winter I will work with silver, glass and crystal these will be available in the new Luxury Treats collection!

That’s all for now!

If you would like one of the items above that will be removed from the shop today send me an email

Much Love

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Body Delights Now Available!!


Finally they are online and ready to be shipped to their new home!
These amazing body goodies will make you crazy!!

Go check them out in my shop Pookie Tookie

New Gift Packaging available in Buttercream pink and chocolate brown leather!
Long for necklaces and bracelets, square for any charm! and round for elegance :D

Hugs and kisses
Pookie Tookie


Hello Cupcakes!

I've been so busy lately!
Making everything for the fall and halloween!

I am so excited to show off my creations!
I made some lovely Fall Cupcakes with delicious pumpkin cream frosting licorice and more.
I used a new technique i am sure you will all love them :D
The cupcake base looks amazing and detailed and i managed to make it look like its in a cupcake teal :D

I also so made a whole Gothic Lolita Cupcake collection
These are my very favorite cupcakes so far!

Also made a new version of my pumpkin pie just for the fall, the scent is even better!

Everything will be available on saturday!

I am so tired i just designed so many labels for the beauty products and then cut everythng by hand! I hate that!

By the way What do you guys think about and Halloween Contest?
I was thinking of doing one with a special package for the winner, 1 new fall cupcake charm, 1 new gothic lolita cupcake charm and some limited edition halloween goodies!!

Lemme know if you want a contest!!
btw i changed my blog now everybody can leave a comment here!!
You dont have to be a blogspot user anymore ;)

Soon More updates!

Much Love

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fall is Coming

Hi Cupcakes!

So fall is coming and I am so excited about it!
The smell of leaves, Long promenades in the woods with my dog,
Warm Cocoa at night with a lovely movie and my woolen socks!
I love fall!

I am also working on new designs for Halloween!
Don’t expect much cuteness this time I am going for some realistic pumpkin treats and a huge Gothic Treats Collection!
I love the gothic style!

Can you believe that I am also working on huge Christmas designs? Lol
I know its to early but I have some time left now and at least I can work on wonderful new goodies and make them perfect for the holiday rushes!

I have so many exciting things to announce for the new year but I will inform everybody about this when times comes!

About the Body Delights Line from Pookie Tookie!
I waited this long because of the weather!
They will be available really soon!

I made some really lovely and elegant labels for the Perfumes and Lip Balms!
Can wait for them to be online!

I love them I keeped 1 of each for myself!
I have to say that my lips are so soft now and those perfumes drive me and people around me crazy!

Especially the Sweetie Pancake!

Also The Fruity Shakes Are now Available in my shop

Much Love