Freshly baked Jewelry!

My very own Wonderland

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pookie Tookie Changes


I am really sorry if I haven’t updated Pookie Tookie website yet !

Its been a very busy month creating the beauty products , and planning all the changes for Pookie Tookie and taking care of all the orders!

I made so many new goodies, necklaces, bracelets, exclusive charms and many more cuteness I will take pictures as soon as I find the time to do that first I want all the orders shipped :D

Pookie Tookie website will change really soon and lots of goodies will be added from beauty products to charms, also home goodies, wearable’s , and such.

I am also interested on buying cute products on wholesale prices, so if you have cute things that fits into Pookie Tookie shop contact me on

The beauty products will take a little more time than expected!
I want them to be online on the same time so the site will be on a hiatus for a few days…

A brand new Design of cupcakes is made you will all love them!
Also Lucite jewelry and Silver jewelry all handmade will coming very soon.

Look at the new Donut charms!
available here

Much Love
Pookie Tookie


Nicki Baker said...

Your blog and creations are SOOOOOO cute! And I like your name - my husband's nickname is Tookie, and his sister's nickname is Pookie lol :)

Pookie Tookie Diary said...

Hii thank you very much :D hihi thats really funny! I wanted something that rimed on Cookie lol and Pookie Tookie was perfect :D

Thank you fr your visit