she made some tarts,
All on a summer day
The Knave of Hearts,
he stole those tarts,
And took them quite away!
Yes Alice was my favorite Disney Movie in my childhood.
The books are fantastic and i am planning on buying them both written by Lewis Caroll.
They dont have them anymore in the library...and i want to read them again and again lol
I really love the illustrations by tenniel those have something special i dont know what but they are so cute.
I love to collect stuff with cute prints and other Alice items.
Here are my last purchases I love them so much!
I love to buy gifts for other peoples but this time it was my turn after all that hard work...
This super cute Tea pot is from Lenny's Alice in Wonderland!
This is the cutest tea pot ever, perfect for a tea afternoon and delicious cupcakes and pie's with some of my good friends!
Miniature tea set by disney
As for my shop there are a lot items that are inspired by alice in wonderland!
They will be available really soon.
Much Love
Pookie Tookie
I'm obsessed with Alice. I think she'll be a big part of my future. Actually since you're also obsessed with Alice maybe we can do something together. I should send you an email with my ideas. Anyways, I have the Collected Works of Lewis Carroll, it's my favorite book. He wrote so many other great things besides Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass. You should read them all. =) OMG I'm so tired and need to sleep. *passes out*
Yes i know what you mean Alice gives me so many inspirations!
I think it would be great to create something togheter with the alice theme!
yes do that i will mail you my ideas btw did you get my email with gift boxes links?
o hun i need to sleep too lol
Love ya
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