Freshly baked Jewelry!

My very own Wonderland

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back from sunny Italy

Hello Pookies

Its been exactly 3 weeks since i posted something here, thats because i was on a vacation in italy! And it was my best vacation ever!

Lots of fun,sun ice cream and adventure!
More funny pictures coming soon!

I am just enchanted by the sea and all those creatures under water!
Such a beauty.

I gained like 3 kilo's damn! I told my husband " honey i will eat only 1 ice cream a day! "
I think i did it very well considering the other years i went to italy i started to eat like a little piggy!

Oh well its a vacation and i dont care if my butt is a little bigger now lol

Yesterday i started to go to the gym again...

I am finally settled in my new home and my new workspace is so wonderful! i just love to work here! So many light gigantic windows and wonderful new tools and storage equipment!

I am currently working on my new italian Delights Collection, this will be a limited collection of delicious italian treats and delights.

I am now counting down on my calender for the Hollidays!
I love christmas its my favourite Time of the year!

Making caramel apples, cinnamon and honey pies, pumpkin soupe and many other treats!
Even if its cold outside in that time of the year i just love it!

With my selfmade fluffy socks and a cup of delicious hotcocoa cup with cream mmm a nice old christmas movie and the people that i love with me!

I am so excited about my holliday designs!
I am now sketching some ideas for christmas so many ideas!
Wish i could make them all!

Halloween designs are on the make! Prototypes for now!

Some summer designs that will be available in my etsy all limited!

My priority's are now the lolita dresses it takes so much work!

So sorry for the beauty products!
They will be available after the summer!
I don't want to ship them in this hot weather.

Everything is back in stock in my shop

Because of high request about the holiday rush i will make a special service only 20 places will be available!

You will be able to order a long time before the holidays all with special gift wrapping and special christmas cards.
With this service you will have your gifts at home without worry of getting them on time.
More about this on

Have a nice day

Much love

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