Freshly baked Jewelry!

My very own Wonderland

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hey Guys
I had a fun weekend
I worked on new artworks and worked on some orders.
I need to go to the post office later and finish the third chapter of my book.
Its amazing how many inspiration i have these days i just need to pick up a pen and a sheet of paper and there i am writing non stop lol.
Still dont know what would be a good title because this book will be in 3 parts.
Yesterday i was sitting on my couch reading what i was writing over and over again with a delicious cup of amaretto coffee and a piece of my yummy chocolate cake.

My chocolate cake didnt last for long lol my husband took also some slices to his work.
Now i have to make a vanilla and lemon one.
The cake was such a succes i have to make it again lol.
In other news i took some super cute pics of Kenzo and Yoshi.
My sweeties are so darn cute!
I am looking for super cute doggy clothes for Kenzo he is always cold hahaha
Poor thing.

Kenzo wearing his new polo
he knows he is pretty! hahaha

Yoshi loves to sit on the radiator hehe

Much love


Anonymous said...

Awww. That looks like my grandmas cat that had to get put to sleep because he had a tummer [cancer] in his stomach.

p.s. Does anyone write on this blog spot?


Streamka said...

So cute. Nella do you have a new blog that you update more often? For your photography or anything. Also I wanted to let you know that I'm going to have matching handmade doggie scarves and hats very soon if you are interested in getting a set for your doggies. =) They will be like the cupcake scarves on my site...but they will be any style and any color. Let me know if you'd like some. It would be awesome if you could take pics of your doggies wearing them for me so I can put them up on my website for fall. <3

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

Nicola said...
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Leia said...

cuuuute pets!

Rebecca said...

i think i want some of your chocolate cake too!