Freshly baked Jewelry!

My very own Wonderland

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Big changes...

Hy Cupcakes!

Its been awhile now!

Well its been a really stressfull time for me the past weeks!
I went sick and didnt get any chance to make new goodies!
Sorry for that!

Some cute accessories are available in my etsy shop for now these are limited and i dont know if i want tho make them again...

I am working on new techniques with polymer clay and planning on making new collections.

Many designs from my shop will disappear!
Also My whole website is undergoing big changes from layout to cart system!

You will be abe now to pay immidiately!
But most important thing is now the shipping time!!

You will get your order so much sooner!
I finally decided to change postal service!
Its going to be a little more expensif but you will get your items so fast now!

Also beauty products will be available next week! yes you heard me!
lol i love those lip balms i held one of each for myself!

Cant wait to show them off!

Also working on many new apparel designs and illustrations!
I want to say a big thank you To Ikaryas aka Celine from Butterfly Wishes

She is the best!
Such a good friend!!

Thank you soo much!!

Much love

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