I am a big fan of his work.
I discovered that lovely art on Deviant Art.
That a person can create that dreamy feeling,
those things that intricate as a child.
When I look at his art makes me remember all those dreamy images that I tried to create with my mind as a child a fantasy word, I am such a dreamer lol
I love to dream about unusual things a bit like Alice...
I could write a story for every image he create…
Because it tells so many things, beautiful things.
His art is so unique and special not only a beautiful image but an image with so much feeling, fantasy and dreams.
These are a few of my favorites works.
Daddy Bring me the moon
Secret Meeting
Just a Dreamer
Travelling through the night
Going To Sleep
Take a little trip into his dreamy work and enjoy!
Visit his gallery here Deviant Art
All Images are (C) of Pete Revonkorpi
Much Love
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